How can I pay my order? offers attractive payment options in the online-shop. Learn more about the easy and safe online payment.
- Bank transfer*
- PayPal / PayPal PLUS
- Credit Card** (Visa & Mastercard)
- Apple Pay
- Cash on Delivery (only DHL Germany)
*If you use international bank transfer, plase make sure that the buyer covers all bank charges.
**To proceed with you online order by using a credit card payment, please not that a special PIN code is needed. With VISA it is "Verified by VISA" and with MASTERCARD its is "MASTERCARD Secure Code". It is not the 3 digit number on backside of your card. If you don't know what this PIN code is please check with your bank first or just select an alternative payment method.
Earliest shipment of orders only possible after we have received the full payment beforehand.